Category: Estate Planning

  • Debbie London Baker on Ask The Experts, March 2024

    Topics include:

    –What’s an Estate Plan? Who Needs One?
    –Horrible situations that come up
    –How do people choose who to name for power of attorney, healthcare surrogate, personal representative?
    –How do I provide for my pets?

    Recorded March 2024

  • Four Easy Pieces of an Estate Plan

    Musings & Counsel Podcast
    Musings and Counsel from London Baker Law
    Four Easy Pieces of an Estate Plan

    The first is a Last Will and Testament, which describes how an individual wants their property (the legal term is “bounty”) distributed after passing.

    The other three are essential while an individual is living.

    • Durable Power of Attorney – someone who can make financial decisions, access digital assets, do planning for government benefits, sell property
    • Health Care Surrogate – someone who can make talk to doctors and make medical decisions if you’re not able
    • Living Will – how you want end-or-life situations handled from letting you pass as soon as it’s determined there is no reasonable medical probability of recovery to being kept alive at all costs
  • Quitclaim Deed or Lady Bird Deed?

    What’s best for estate planning? Quitclaim Deed or Lady Bird Deed?

  • Why do Estate Planning? You never know what’s going to happen.

    Musings & Counsel Podcast
    Musings and Counsel from London Baker Law
    Why do Estate Planning? You never know what’s going to happen.

    If you love your family, you plan. When you pass, your loved ones are best served if you give them a plan. Then the only thing for them to do is grieve. You plan to provide that luxury.

  • How do I provide for my pets?

    Musings & Counsel Podcast
    Musings and Counsel from London Baker Law
    How do I provide for my pets?

    This, like other pieces of planning, can be hard. Florida allows pet trusts where money can be set aside for the specific purpose.

    Many times people, as they age, decide there will be no more pets because they’re not going to run the risk of dying and not know where their animal will go.

  • How do people choose whom to name?

    Musings & Counsel Podcast
    Musings and Counsel from London Baker Law
    How do people choose whom to name?

    This can be tough – people feel obligated to name spouses, to name children, to name family.

    Trust is the key. The people named have to be willing to honor your wishes – not there own – whether as a power of attorney, a healthcare surrogate, or a personal representative after you pass.

    These can be VERY hard choices.

  • The Horrible Situations That Come Up

    Musings & Counsel Podcast
    Musings and Counsel from London Baker Law
    The Horrible Situations That Come Up

    Horrible situations are those that could be avoided with a competent counsel.

    • Homes don’t go where someone wanted because they didn’t find out how to get it done.
    • Money goes to people you wouldn’t give a dime to.
    • Children wind up with family members who look good on paper and who you wouldn’t allow to babysit.
  • What’s an Estate Plan? Who Needs One?

    Musings & Counsel Podcast
    Musings and Counsel from London Baker Law
    What’s an Estate Plan? Who Needs One?

    An estate plan is where you’ve pulled together, in one place, all your “bounty” – physical and intangible – naming individuals to take care of you now if needed and to distribute the “bounty” after you’re no longer here

    Anyone who is 18 needs a plan – tough things happen, and help is needed. Young people die, and without a plan, things are even more painful and heartbreaking. Without designating people, no one can help.

  • Family Trust? When?

    Most would not have trusted themselves with $50 much less many multiples of that when they were 18. A Family Trust is important/essential when there are minor children. They’re also essential if someone in the family is receiving government benefits or might need to in the future.

  • What Areas of Elder Law Do I Cover?

    Musings & Counsel Podcast
    Musings and Counsel from London Baker Law
    What Areas of Elder Law Do I Cover?

    I do Estate Planning – Wills, Powers of Attorney, Health Care Surrogates.

    I do special needs trusts when it’s judicious to do – already existing situation where it will be needed or potentially they’ll be a situation where it’s needed

    And, I’ve learned the value of Elder Law – to protect assets of people who’ve worked hard, saved, and have assets, and they think they have to lose everything to apply for government help.

About London Baker Law, P.A.

We have a unique perspective on estate planning that serves our clients well. We thoroughly review not just your assets and your wishes but your legacy. We ask the questions “What’s in the best interest of this family, how do we achieve those goals and what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?” After answering these key questions, we help you determine the best course of action for your family going forward.

  • estate planning
  • probate
  • elder law
  • healthcare seragates
  • powers of attorney
  • legal advice and counsel