It’s not possible to communicate too often about the importance of planning.
It’s not possible to communicate too often about the importance of planning.
Never is not the right time for estate planning. Whether it is a simple Will or a Power of Attorney, Healthcare Surrogate or Trust – now is the right time to plan.
We never know what the future holds. But one thing you can be sure of . . . you can have peace of mind knowing that your valuable assets and heirlooms will go to the people you love.
Everyone has ‘things’ that they keep to remind them of something that happened in their life. Most of us don’t share the stories behind those ‘things’ so our families and friends can know us better. Could be a favorite mug, an old trophy, a collage, a family picture – the possibilities are endless. In this video I talk about the idea of sharing the memories and the gift it can be. My prayer is that you do find this time blessed, even those who are having a hard time.
Finally, if you’ll be so kind as to share one of those memories, I’d be honored to read about them. Visit https://www.londonbakerlaw.com/contact-us, or find me on Facebook.
We have a unique perspective on estate planning that serves our clients well. We thoroughly review not just your assets and your wishes but your legacy. We ask the questions “What’s in the best interest of this family, how do we achieve those goals and what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?” After answering these key questions, we help you determine the best course of action for your family going forward.